Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions

The sum of the first eight terms of a G.P. is five times the sum of the first four terms. Find the common ratio.

The sum of n terms of a G.P. whose first term is one and the common ratio is 1/2, is 1 127/128, find n.

In a G.P., the sum of n terms is 255, the last term is 128 and the common ratio is 2, find n.

How many terms of the G.P. 1, 4, 16, ... must be taken to have their sum equal to 341?

The ratio of the 4th to the 12th term of a G.P. with positive common ratio is 1/256. If the difference of the two terms be 61.68, find the sum of the series to 8 terms.

The sum of infinite terms in a G.P. is 2 and the sum of their squares is 4/3. Find the series.

Find the infinite G.P. whose first term is 1/4 and the sum is 1/3.

The first term of G.P. exceeds the 2nd term by 2 and the sum to infinity is 50, find the series.

Find three numbers in G.P. such that their sum is 130, and their product is 27,000.

Find three numbers in G.P. such that their sum is 13/3, and the sum of their squares is 91/9.

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