Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions

If the value of Fiat car depreciated by 25 per cent annually, what will be its estimated value at the end of 8 years if its present value is $2048?

Find a G.P. whose 3rd and 6th terms are 1 and -1/8, respectively. Write down the 10th term also.

The third term of a G.P. is 2/3 and the 6th term is 2/18, find this 8th term.

The product of first and second terms of a G.P. is 256 and that of second and third terms is 16. find the 5th term.

Which term of the series 1, 2, 4, 8, ... is 256?

Is 1/3125 a term of the series 25, 5, 1,...?

Find n if 1/217 is the nth term of the series 16, 8, 4, ...?

If the nth term of the series 1, 2, 4, 8, .... be the same as the nth term of the series 256, 128, 64, ... find out n.

The 4th term of a G.P. is x, the 10th term is y and the 16th term is z. Show that xz=y2

The nth term of a sequence is 2.3n-1, show that it is in G.P. What is the first term and the common ratio?

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