The Straight Line. Polar Equations and Oblique Cordinates

Find the equation to the straight line cutting off an intercept unity from the positive direction of the axis of y and ineliend at 45* to the axis of x

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Find the equation to the straight line cutting off an intercept -5 from the axis of y and being equally inclined to the axes.

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Find the equation to the straight line cutting off an intercept 2 from the negative direction of the axis of y and inclined at 30 to OX.

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Find the equation to the straight line cutting off and intercept - 3 from the axis of y and inclined at an angle tan-1 3/5 to the axis of x.

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.cutting of intercept 3 and 2 from the axes.

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.Find the equation to the straight line cutting off and intercept - 3 from the axis of y and inclined at an angle tan-1 3/5 to the axis of x

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Find the equation to the straight line witch passes through the point (5,6) and has intercepts on the axes (1) equal in magnitude and both positive , (2) equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.

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Find the equations to the straight lines witch pass through the point (1,-2) and cut off equal distances from the two axes.

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Find the equations to the straight line which passes through the given point (x',y')and is such that the given point bisects the part intercepted between the axes.

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Find the equations to the straight line which passes through the point [-4",3] and is such that the portion of it between the axes is divided by the point in the ratio 5:3.

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