Testing Hypotheses: One Sample Tests

In Exercise 8-26, what would be the power of the test for μ = $41.95, $42.95, and $43.95 if the significance level were changed to 0.05?

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The median number of children in U>S. households is 2. At a 10 percent significance level.

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Approximately 65 percent of all adults in the United States are3 married is the proportion of married CEOs significance greater than that of the general population ?

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Refer to Exercise 8-26. Compute the power of the test for μ = $41.95, $42.95, and $43.95.

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A personnel manager believed that 18 percent of the company’s employees work overtime every week. If the observed proportion this week is 13 percent in a sample of 250 of the 2,500 employees, can we accept her belief as reasonable or must we conclude that some other value is more appropriate? Use α = 0.05

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Refer to Exercise SC 8-5. Compute the power of the test for μ = 14,000, 13,500, and 13,000.

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A stockbroker claims that she can predict with 85 percent accuracy whether a stock’s market value will rise or fall during the coming month. As a test, she predicts the outcome of 60 stocks and is correct in 45 of the predictions.

Do these data present conclusive evidence (at α = 0.04) that her prediction accuracy is significantly less than the asserted 85 percent?

A manufacturer of a vitamin supplement for newborns inserts a coupon for a free sample of its product in a package that is distributed at hospitals to new parents.

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